The Do’s and Don’ts of Influencer Marketing for Small Business Owners
By means of the previously mentioned research objectives—that of ascertaining the influence of influencers on purchasing interest in East Java cuisine—we hope to This is crucial so that consumers' purchasing intents are understood to be based on their impressions of the dependability or efficacy of influencer campaigns shown on social media. This study focuses
especially on East Java's propensity to purchase culinary products based on videos influencers posted on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. The gathered data in this work is analyzed and observed using a quantitative design. The study took place in East Java, particularly in the Regency area with much of culinary tourists. The choice of the province of
East Java was based on the many gastronomic variations and significant population; hence, the probability of respondent selection is higher and many respondents spend their time on social media and observing influencers present promotions of different culinary pleasures in East Java. Based on the G-Power software program, the minimal sample size according to
respondents Apart from that it is also
meant to satisfy the criteria to evaluate and analyze the research process and generate the best interpretation; the number of samples is decided to be 225 to anticipate and minimize mistakes in filling out questionnaires and collecting data. Internet users watching influencer videos on Facebook, Tiktok, and Instagram to provide data on the responses required in this
study constitute the criteria for the sample (respondents) in this study. Purposive sampling is the method of choice; this approach lets reseaThe chart above indicates the extent of social media's influence on personal experiences of influencers; they are more likely to believe them than credibility from other sources. Unidirectional comparedThis scenario is because
consumers do not always perceive in detail the authenticity of influencers. Therefore, notice recommended postings that tend to induce viewers to trust uncertain sources deemed more effective. Friends and relatives also provide advice and suggestions on different facts to weigh before making a purchase.Purchase intention of 0.401 is affected by variable X4 (expertise); the correlation level of 0.633 indicates a positive and noteworthy influence. Thus,
the theory put up in this work
is embraced with a 0.000 probability value. The researcher's views on influencers who know, the experience delivery in familiar local languages, appealing video displays with varied menu offers, and intriguing and unusual locations can help to justify this.East Java culinary purchase intentions: influencers there With a correlation score of 0.355, the X1 variable honesty—of 0.126 shows a positive and notable influence. Thus, the theory put out in this
work is embraced with a 0.000 probability value. According to the analysis's findings, customers give influencers' honesty, good qualities, and sincerity top importance. Respondents also noted the activities created by influencers via product promotion and message delivery. Stevens et al., (2003), claim that experts who can affect customer
perceptions are more reliable than those who cannot. Empirically, it reveals that the honesty of influencers in the videos displayed can offer information according to facts, knowledge about the product, is it safe and worth buying, as well as the experience of consuming it. Accurate data on the East Java culinary arts—including addresses, Google maps, and
comprehensive knowledge of the local
gastronomic variations—also supports this.Purchase intention is affected by variable X2 (attractiveness) by 0.445; the correlation level of 0.667 indicates a positive and substantial influence. Thus, the hypothesis put up in this work is approved with a probability value of 0.000. McGinnies & Ward (1980) believed that the culinary place is also a place to take a
vacation or relax, thus empirical studies show that influencer ads show a variety of culinary delights accompanied by explanations of taste, price, comfort, etc., which suggests that the level of change in audience attitudes and are more persuasive.With a correlation level of 0.501, Variable X3 (optimistic attitude) influences purchase intention by 0.251; so, there is a positive and significant effect. Thus, the hypothesis put up in this work is embraced with a
probability value of 0.000. This reveals a hopeful mindset and supports the variations in the efficacy of influencer marketing for customer purchase intentions. Purchase intention reflects the real behavior of customers; they behave depending on rational thinking so that judgments are made based on the availability of information and different considerations (Brown et al., Should consumers believe that there are additional reasons for the suggestions'
determination of the measures done to identify respondents for their willingness to provide answers and information required depending on expertise and experience, then so is the case (Bernard, 2017). The layout of standardized questionnaires is based on the design to obtain an assessment when measuring the efficiency of social media influencer activities in
influencing consumers's purchase intentions. Researchers identified respondents who fit the predefined criteria, namely respondents who actively use social media and view vlogs or various photos and videos made by influencers around the city of Surabaya, Mojokerto, Kediri, Madiun and Malang will then provide instruments to respondents who were selected by purposive sampling through a Google survey form Instruments will be distributed web-
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