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Unpleasant, startling impact monotony has on the ear. According the dictionary, "monotonous" is synonym with "wearisome." That is only stating what is rather modest. It is horrifying. Playing simply one song, "Come Buy My Wares!" does not turn off the department-store prince from the public. He performs concerts on a $125,000 organ, and the happy audience automatically starts buying. How to Break Out from Monotony We avoid monotony in attire by filling our closets. We multiply our talking powers to prevent boredom. Our tools augment our powers of discourse. The carpenter has particular tools at hand to build the many sections of a building. To create his harmonies and effects, the organist moves to change particular keys and stops. In such fashion, the speaker has specific tools and instruments at his disposal for building his case, plays on the emotions, and directs the opinions of his audience. The goals of the immediately following chapters are to allow you to understand these instruments and provide practical aid in learning to use them. Why did Noah have moving-picture lines wanted to strongly highlight the one word that positively defines the quality of the subject.
Entertainment and talking equipment on the Ark
While the Children of Israel whirled across the desert in limousines? The laws allowing us to run a car, create moving-pictures or music on the Victrola, would have worked just as well then as they do now. Ignorance of law caused years of deprivation of modern luxuries for mankind. Many speakers still use ox-cart techniques in their presentations rather than using vehicle or overland-expressions. They are uninformed about laws designed for effective speech. Your speech will be weak and ineffectual solely to the extent you ignore the laws we are about to review and learn how to use; else, you will have efficiency and force in your speaking. We cannot convey to you the need of a true functional understanding of these ideas too fully. They are the core basis of effective speaking. Napoleon advised "get your principles right; the rest is a matter of detail." Shoeing a dead horse is futile; all the sound ideas in Christendom will never be heard out of a dead one. Thus, let it be clear that the most crucial law of public speaking is the need of truth, force, feeling, and vitality; it is not a question of memorizing a few dead principles. Forget all else; but, not this. You will not be bothered with monotony when you have perfected the mechanics of speech described in the next few chapters. Your powers of expression will be far more varied if you know these ideas completely and can apply them. But you have to practice, practice, PRACTIVE; knowing or reading about them cannot teach or equip one to be masterful. Listen to yourself; you always.
The technical ideas we outline in the next chapters are
Not haphazard creations of our own. They all stem from the techniques that successful speakers and actors use—either automatically and instinctively, or under direction—in producing their effects. Not worth warning the pupil that he is Emphasizing every syllable equally, you could as well say MASS-A-CHU-SETTs to apply equal focus on every word in the following lines. Talk it out aloud and see. Of course you would want to stress destiny since it is the main concept in your proclamation and you will also want to stress not since else your listeners would believe you are confirming that destiny is a question of chance. You have to stress chance, for it is among the two main concepts in the sentence. The next sentence's comparison of chance with choice adds still another factor of importance. Clearly, the author has deliberately juxtaposed these ideas so that they would be more emphatic; here we find that contrast is among the first tools used to achieve emphasis. As a public speaker, your voice will help to accentuate this disparity. If you say, "My horse is not black," what hue comes to me right away White, naturally, for white is the reverse of black. First stating that "DESTINY is NOT a matter of CHANCE," can let you more powerfully draw forth the idea that destiny is a matter of choice. Is not the color of the horse more striking when you say, "My horse is NOT BLACK. He is White, not as it would be based on just stating your horse is white.The second sentence of the statement contains only one significant word: choice. The author of those.
There are a handful that capture the major
Significant themes in practically every sentence. You can quickly identify from the evening paper which are the significant news items. He does not report a "hold-up" in Hong Kong using the same scaled type as he does, thanks to the editor; instead, he employs natural reporting. To be natural would be to be boring. Though it is not to be compared with the better type we enjoy here, the little strawberry up in the arctics with few tiny seeds and an acid tang is a natural berry. Though natural, the dwarfed oak on the stony slope is not as beautiful as the one discovered in the rich, moist bottom ground. Be natural; but, until you have attained the ideal, hone your inherent talents as we must aim for fruit, tree, idealized nature. under discussion because he has proved by juxtaposing it with another thought. These phrases so would read like this: "DESTINY is NOT a question of CHANCE. It's a matter of choice. Now go over this again, forcefully capitalizing most of the terms have to be your own best critic and the most severe one of all if nobody else would listen to you.
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